Bats be Bees Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.13.2 is a very simple and unique pack that does the simple thing, replace bats texture and sound with Bees texture and buzzing.

Replace sound and appearance of Bats with Bees, that’s all Folks

If you expected something more, different or better than this, unfortunately we must notify you that it is exactly what this package does. Often, small things are better than complicated and complex, so we certainly believe that this resource pack will find many like-minded players.

The author of this resource pack says that some changes and additions may be expected in the very near future. At the moment current version is v2, which compared to the first one offers a louder buzzing sound of bees. If you notice any problems or bugs with this resource pack, please notify the author to that and he will be very attentive to try to correct them.

Screenshots of Bats be Bees resource pack

How to install Bats be Bees resource pack

1. Locate and open the Minecraft application folder.
Windows OS start Run from start menu and type %appdata% and then click on Run.
OSX (MAC) open Finder, hold down Alt and click Go, then click on the Library in the top menu bar. Now open folder Applicaion Support and look for Minecraft.
Linux (most distributions), Minecraft folder is located on /home/yourusername/.minecraft ( dot (.) folder is hidden directory on Linux, so press Ctrl+H to unhide folder)
2. Copy the Resource pack file which you just have downloaded (.zip file) into the resourcepacks folder, inside of minecraft folder. If you don’t have this folder, create this folder by yourself.
3. Start Minecraft, start the game and in Game settings click on Resource Pack, and move this pack from the left to the right side of the screen.

Download Bats be Bees resource pack

For Minecraft 1.13.x
Download Resource packs here, sound and texture

How do you like Bees instead of Bats? Is it better or? Please share your opinions in the comment section below.

Creator/Owner: Stennos | Official link


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