End escape map is another great escape, adventure and puzzle map created by duo team, SimondMCplayer and TheHappyWheels1.

Escape from the prison in this great adventure, puzzle and escape map

Do you want to get out and escape from prison? If so, this is a top-notch map for you because it will offer you lots of fun, interesting puzzles and a lot of adventure. But be careful, only the most daring and the best players will succeed in completing this great map. Between a lot of puzzles the map also offers a few parkour levels and you must for sure to be a pretty good parkour player.

Are you ready for such a unique and challenging adventure?
If you are stuck and you just can not find a solution to finish End Escape map, you can take a short peek at walktrough video on Youtube. But don’t cheat or watch to much, it will ruin all the fun.

End Escape map walktrough, only watch if you’re stuck

For skilled players End Escape map can be completed in 15-30 minutes. We tried this map with Optifine HD, but you must definitely avoid and texture packs or shaders. Even at the beginning of the map itself, some parts are blacked out.


How to install this map

1. Locate and open the Minecraft application folder.
Windows OS start Run from start menu and type %appdata% and then click on Run.
OSX (MAC) open Finder, hold down Alt and click Go, then click on the Library in the top menu bar. Now open folder Applicaion Support and look for Minecraft.
Linux (most distributions), Minecraft folder is located on /home/yourusername/.minecraft ( dot (.) folder is hidden directory on Linux, so press Ctrl+H to unhide folder, or check in your filebrowser under view or settings)
3. Copy the map file which you just have downloaded into the saves folder, inside of Minecraft folder. Extract from rar/zip archive. Map must be extracted to saves folder and contain its subfolder.
4. Start Minecraft and choose installed map.

Download End Escape map

For Minecraft 1.13.2
DOWNLOAD – Click here to download this map

Creator(s)/Owner(s): SimondMCplayer, TheHappyWheels1 | Offical link to map


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