Instant Structures mod 1.12.2 for Minecraft is a great mod which provides to average user to build outstanding and awesome buildings in just a few clicks. This mod was created by officialMaggiCraft. When Instant Structures Mod is started and used and when you try to put item in world, Structure Browser is open. You can see in screenshots below how structures browser looks like. It easy to browse in menus, options and when you open structure menu you can type in SEARCH desired structure name.
Extraordinary objects are just a click away
All structures with that name will be loaded from remote database. Simply you need to just select preferred structure, then click on brick icon and voila. Selected structure was built in one second with few clicks and appeared in your world. Awesome, outstanding, great and practical.
This mod is also know shorter as ISM.
If this does sound too great we don’t know what then can move you from your chair. Anyway, find and download this mod in the links below in download section and enjoy.
Screenshots of Instant Structures mod 1.12.2
How to install Instant Structures mod 1.12.2
1. Install Minecraft forge (if you don’t have it yet installed)
2. Locate and open the Minecraft application folder.
– Windows OS start Run from start menu and type %appdata% and then click on Run.
– OSX (MAC) open Finmder, hold down Alt and click Go, then click on the Library in the top menu bar. Now open folder Applicaion Support and look for Minecraft.
– Linux (most distributions), Minecraft folder is located on /home/yourusername/.minecraft ( dot (.) folder is hidden directory on Linux, so press Ctrl+H to unhide folder)
3. Copy the mod file which you just have downloaded (.jar file) into the mods folder, inside of minecraft folder. If you don’t have mods folder, create this folder by yourself.
4. Start Minecraft, click on MODS button and check if your new mod is successfully installed and added
Download Instant Structures mod 1.12.2
Download from mirror page
Simpler and faster download
Download mod here
Download below from official webpage
Always latest version, but with many confusing and misleading ads
Download mod here
Don’t hesitate to post comment below in comment section. Thank you.
Creator: officialMaggiCraft (Marc Schmidt) | Official link
On this website my Instant Structures Mod (ISM) will be presented and offered for download. I ask you to remove these downloads and link to my website instead. There are good reasons for it:
– Users always download the latest and best version of the mod. Thus, the version on your website contains serious bugs that have made the mod unusable.
– The users know whom they can contact for problems and questions.
– Developing this mod takes a lot of time. As a developer I should therefore be able to earn some money through the mod. This revenue is also urgently needed to continue to develop the mod in the future. These are denied me by this download. Of course, I am aware that you also want to earn through your website.
– Users get direct access to other, up-to-date resources such as tutorials about each feature.
I thank you in advance that you take the time to implement these changes to the site. If you want, you can also update the content of your article. Since your article has published the mod has changed a lot. For that you are welcome to use all images on my website
Please contact me again if you have implemented the changes.
Best regards
Marc Schmidt
The developer of the Instant Structures Mod (ISM)
Dear Marc Schmidt,
thank you for your comment. Please let us know if it’s better now. Nice to have you here.
Kind regards.
I love this mod a lot
Yes, we agree with you this is one of the most popular mods for the Minecraft game. It is very likely it is in the top 10 MInecraft mods.