Karmorakcraft Resource pack for Minecraft 1.13.1 is a texture pack that is actually a mixpack which changes every possible texture in the game. The pack is created by Karmorak and the reason why he created this one is that he wasn’t entirely satisfied with any out there in the minecraft world. He tried numerous packs and he couldn’t play for longer time on any of them. So, this is his vision how good texture pack must look like.
We have to confirm and agree that this is one great texture pack. The pack looks friendly and it is a pack with realistic and medievel look. Author of this pack try to avoid comic look like some other packs have. Resolution of this pack is kinda high, 64x pixels.
Realistic and medieval texture pack with higher resolution textures
Very beautiful pack for playing Minecraft, especially if you are using in combination with Optifine. In other words, we recommend that you play it with Optfine, if of course you have a computer with enough graphic power.
Download and try it for yourself by clicking on the download link below. We are also interested to hear what is your opinion about this pack after you have tried it. Download, play, enjoy, come back and leave a comment.
Screesnhots of Karmorakcraft Resource pack
How to install Karmorakcraft Resource pack
1. Locate and open the Minecraft application folder.
– Windows OS start Run from start menu and type %appdata% and then click on Run.
– OSX (MAC) open Finder, hold down Alt and click Go, then click on the Library in the top menu bar. Now open folder Applicaion Support and look for Minecraft.
– Linux (most distributions), Minecraft folder is located on /home/yourusername/.minecraft ( dot (.) folder is hidden directory on Linux, so press Ctrl+H to unhide folder)
2. Copy the Resource pack file which you just have downloaded (.zip file) into the resourcepacks folder, inside of minecraft folder. If you don’t have this folder, create this folder by yourself.
3. Start Minecraft, start the game and in Game settings click on Resource Pack, and move this pack from the left to the right side of the screen.
Download Karmorakcraft Resource pack
For Minecraft 1.13.1, version 1.6.3
Leave a comment below if you like this resource pack.
Creator: Karmorak | Official link
Ha cool, thanks that you dont just upload it rather your naming me and so on 😀
Karmorak, we were glad and thank you for commenting.