Speed Reading Parkour map for Minecraft 1.13.2 is a parkour and trivia map created by Mikee. When you think that you see everything in Minecraft, every such idea prove that you were wrong. Great idea and combination of trivia and parkour map. This map has 10 levels. On each jump you will get one word of question. At the end you must correctly to answer at the asked question. Correct answer lead you to the next level, wrong takes you to the beginning of the level.
Trivia parkour map with 10 levels and 10 questions
This parkour map tests your parkour skills and Minecraft trivia knowledge. If you fail to make a jump, all previous words won’t be shown again, only unopened words. But, if you fail at the end on the trivia question, all words of question will be represented to you again.
We wish you a happy and skillful jumping and a lot of correct answers. Enjoy in parkour quiz and find download link in the download section below.
Notes/rules about Speed Reading Parkour map
- don’t cheat
- notice: if you have low FPS text appearing can be affected
- all parkour jumps are possible, don’t quit
- all questions are Minecraft trivia
- at the end you choose correct answer by clicking on A,B,C or D
- each levels will increase in difficulty of parkour and questions, also time of showing
- words will be shorter
- if thew word does not appear redo the jump or jumps
Screenshots of Speed Reading Parkour map
Check the video of Speed Reading Parkour map
How to install Speed Reading Parkour map
1. Locate and open the Minecraft application folder.
– Windows OS start Run from start menu and type %appdata% and then click on Run.
– OSX (MAC) open Finder, hold down Alt and click Go, then click on the Library in the top menu bar. Now open folder Applicaion Support and look for Minecraft.
– Linux (most distributions), Minecraft folder is located on /home/yourusername/.minecraft ( dot (.) folder is hidden directory on Linux, so press Ctrl+H to unhide folder, or check in your filebrowser under view or settings)
3. Copy the map file which you just have downloaded into the saves folder, inside of Minecraft folder. Extract from rar/zip archive. Map must be extracted to saves folder and contain its subfolder.
4. Start Minecraft and choose installed map.
Download Speed Reading Parkour map
For Minecraft 1.13.2
Click here to download this map
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Creator: Mihkee | Offical link to map